Ben Wilson, the Chewing Gum Man, Millennium Bridge

The Chewing Gum Man

If you ever get a chance to walk across the Millennium Bridge in London, UK. The panoramic view of London in whichever direction you look, is truly spectacular.
© Mark Higham

So it’s understandable that you may miss what’s right under your feet.  If you look down for a moment you will start to notice some of the most beautiful and unique bits of art you will come across.

Tiny Master pieces painted on bits of discarded chewing gum, trampled in to the grills of the bridge for all to miss it seems.

In February 2022, while I was crossing over the Millennium Bridge , I was fortunate enough to bump in to the creator of these little marvels.   Ben Wilson aka Chewing Gum Man, lying there in the middle of the bridge, painting away.  

It took me a while to build up the courage to speak to Mr. Wilson.   In my perception meeting the Chewing Gum Man in the flesh , would be similar to bumping in to Banksy while he was painting a wall. However my curiosity got the better off me. It was the opportunity to talk to an inspiring artist and I didn’t want it to go to waste

Ben Wilson, aka Chewing Gum Man at work

I’m not going to write about what he said to me here. That’s his story to tell and your good fortune if you bump in to him on the bridge. . However I can say, it was a real pleasure to speak to such a humble individual whose words just resonated with positive vibes.

After I had asked my many questions, I asked Chewing Gum Man if it was possible that he could paint me a picture, on a piece of gum, on the bridge.  He asked me what I felt represented myself.  So, I asked him to paint my name ‘Sarli Jayakody’

Sarli Jayakody
Chewing Gum Man 
Ben Wilson 
Ben Wilson – Arkham City – Sarli Jayakody

After he had finished the design I explained to Chewing Gum Man my reasoning behind this design.

I revealed to him how my name had ended up in the game Batman – Arkham City 2011 and gave him a short summary of the issue I was now having to face.

I felt the representation of my name in Arkham City , was similar to his work on the Millennium Bridge.

Small detail’s in a bigger picture

In a strange way it seems appropriate that my name should find itself amongst his art.

I suppose I can have a little smile to myself knowing that my name Sarli Jayakody has not only been immortalized within the Batman Legacy. But also has now been featured, as a piece of art on one London’s iconic landmarks.

Sarli Jayakody
Sarli Jayakody, Millennium Bridge London

I don’t feel my particular contribution really gives justice to Ben Wilson, Chewing Gum Man’s art. Even though just watching a discarded piece of gum being turned in to amazing pieces of art is quite something else. Below are just a couple examples of Chewing Gum Man, Ben Wilson’s art from his site.

Ben Wilson aka Chewing Gum Man
© Chewing Gum Man
Ben Wilson
© Chewing Gum Man

Also check out his Instagram if you are a lover of art and would like to know more about this creative genius.